Sunday, May 2, 2010

Experiment 2 - The Space Between

Attached are the image captures of the labs and facade overview developed for Charles Darwin and Stephen Hawking. The long planar solid linking the two compositions acts as the meeting point between the two labs. The labs are designed to have optimum scenery view while giving the two clients sufficient privacy.

View of facade overlooking the placid lake

Entrance of Charles Darwin's Lab

View of Charles Darwin's double level lab

Ramp that leads up to Stephen Hawking's Lab, and the main entrance of the structure

An optional meeting point on the top deck of the main block

Experiment 2 - Electroliquid Aggregation


"The boundary condition of the universe is that it has no boundary."
Stephen Hawking "A Brief History in Time", Ch. 8

"There is one living spirit, prevalent over this world ... which assumes a multitude of forms according to subordinate laws."
Charles Darwin "Notebook C", as quoted in Creativity, Psychology And the History of Science (2005) by Howard E. Gruber and Katja Bödeker, p. 142


"The boundary condition which assumes a multitude of forms of the universe is there is one living spirit, prevalent is that it has no boundary over this world according to subordinate laws."

Experiment 2 - 18 Axonometrics

Experiment 2 - 36 Textures